Chromax® Chromium Picolinate

The Chromium Picolinate-based complement for supplements and nutraceutical products for mental and physical well-being

Chromax® is a formulation with Chromium Picolinate, ideal for the formulation of nutraceutical products and foods for cognitive function, weight and hunger management, for mood control and the metabolism of glucose.
Chromax® Chromium Picolinate is only form of clinically tested food chromium, the safety and efficacy of which have been widely analysed. Chromium Picolinate has a stable chemical structure and greater absorption levels than other sources of chromium on the market.

Chromax® Chromium Picolinate is particularly indicated for products used to promote specific dietary and nutritional requirements. The effects of chromium picolinate can be found in the following areas:

  • Glucose metabolism and insulin resistance
  • Body weight control and management
  • Cholesterol control
  • Healthy cardiovascular system
  • Control of the energy metabolism
  • Maintenance of normal cognitive functions

When Chromax® is absorbed in the blood stream, its unique structure promotes excellent insulin function. The effect of Chromax® on insulin translates into healthier sugar levels in the blood, efficient carbohydrate metabolism, reduced calorie intake and improved muscle maintenance while losing weight.
Chromax® Chromium Picolinate is produced in the United States according to the most stringent GMP standards and is distributed by Alesco srl in Italy.

Chromax® Chromium Picolinate is available only for the Italian market.

AdvantagesChromax® Chromium Picolinate Applications
  • Clinically tested
  • GMP production
  • Helps weight management
  • Contributes to glucose metabolism
  • Stable chemical structure
  • High absorption
  • Food supplements
  • Meal replacements
  • Sports Nutrition

Best for

  • Energy

  • Metabolism