life’s®OMEGA | vegetable EPA and DHA

A vegetable EPA and DHA complex containing algae: an effective alternative to omega 3 of animal origin

life’s®OMEGA is a plant source of algal origin of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) omega 3, offering huge benefits for the health of the heart, brain and eyes. life’s®OMEGA is a vegetable EPA and DHA source with algae, offering an effective alternative to traditional fish oil and therefore omega 3 of animal origin. A 100% plant origin product, suited for vegetarian and vegan diets, as well as for anyone looking for high-quality, eco-sustainable raw materials.

When we talk of omega 3, fish is generally the most commonly known source. In fact, fish are a rich source of omega 3 (good fatty acids that help the correct functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and eyesight) as they feed off micro-algae with a high concentration of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

Based on what nature offers us, in 2012 came life’s®OMEGA, a new ingredient to offer this combination of long-chain omega 3 (EPA + DHA) from a sustainable source of algae. life’s®OMEGA is produced in controlled environments, able to guarantee the maximum quality and concentration of vegetable EPA and DHA. life’s®OMEGA vegetable omega 3 comes from non-genetically modified algae and is produced using the same methods as life’sDHA®.

life’s®OMEGA is a trademark of DSM and distributed in Italy by Alesco.

Advantageslife’s®OMEGA | vegetable EPA and DHA Applications
  • Plant origin
  • Extensive patent coverage
  • Pleasant flavour and smell
  • No “fishy” after-taste
  • No impurities or toxic contaminants
  • Original strain grown in the laboratory
  • Low concentration of undesirable fatty acids
  • Low in calories
  • Processing based on renewable resources
  • Functional Foods
  • Functional Drinks
  • Food Supplements: oils, powders, gelcaps
  • Infants formulas and food

Best for

  • Cells

  • Energy

  • Heart

  • Mood

  • Sight

  • Sleep